
BaKhabar Kissan


BaKhabar Kissan is Pakistan’s leading AgriTech company that provides advisory and fulfilment services to the farming community.

0 M+
0 M
0 M+
Profiled Farmers

Farm to Home


Farm to Home is an e-commerce platform that guarantees fast delivery of farm fresh products – fruits, vegetables, pulses, herbs and spices, fruit platters, juices and shakes – to end consumers. The freshness of all products is maintained through the use of efficient cold storage and warehouse facilities at multiple points.

0 K+
App Downloads
0 K+
B2C Orders
B2B Customers

Kissan Sahara Technologies


Kissan Sahara Technologies is an Agri-FinTech company that provides financial assistance to small-scale farmers in form of loans and insurance. Its aim is to facilitate farmers in order to minimize their cost of production and increase their yield.

0 %
Yield Increase
0 %
Costs Reduction
0 K+
Profiled Farmers



Weather Walay is Pakistan’s only private weather company. It offers hyper-local weather forecasting services with the help of Automated Weather Stations (AWS) installed in different regions across Pakistan. Its goal is to mitigate climate change risk, improve weather data accuracy, and help achieve sustainable development goals in the B2B and B2C spaces.

0 +
Deployed AWS
0 +
Climatic Zones
0 %
Nowcast Accuracy



FitFlex is a health and fitness app, offering its customers customized plans to achieve their fitness goals. It is currently working with leading Telco & Wallet providers in APAC, MENA & South Asia to introduce a service that is truly one of a kind.

0.1 M+
Subs in Pakistan
0 K+
App Downloads
0 +
App Rating

Jazz Mosafir


Jazz Mosafir is playing its part in promoting tourism in Pakistan through comprehensive tours, hotel and flight bookings, travel advisory, and more.

0 M+
Subs in Pakistan
0 K+
App Downloads
0 K+
Travel Stakeholders