
Switch Communications is a privately held group of companies registered in Pakistan, exemplifying a steadfast commitment to corporate governance. The company has a dedicated leadership team and respective board of directors and advisory boards for each of our affiliate entities, ensuring sound decision-making and accountability.

Our Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team, composed of our esteemed CEO and top executives, diligently oversees the day-to-day operations of our company. Collaborating closely with our dedicated employees, they drive us towards our business objectives. The team takes charge of executing our company's strategic plans and policies with utmost diligence and precision.

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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management and direction of our company. The board comprises a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, who bring valuable perspectives and insights to our decision-making processes. The board is responsible for setting our company's strategic direction, approving major investments and acquisitions, and overseeing risk management and compliance.

Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board offers invaluable expertise and guidance, focusing on specific areas of our business. Comprised of external industry experts, the advisory board provides independent and objective advice to our Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The Advisory Board is not involved in the day-to-day management of Switch Communications, but it helps us make informed decisions and stay ahead of industry trends.

Ch Haq Nawaz

Advisor BaKhabar Kissan

Prof. Abdur Rashid

Advisor BaKhabar Kissan

Dr. Khalid Masood

Advisor BaKhabar Kissan

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct sets forth the framework and principles in key areas to help us drive our values and achieve more together. The code establishes the foundation of our corporate culture, embodying our unwavering commitment to integrity and setting the highest standards for conducting business.